Kliendid ja sektorid
Turundus- ja reklaamiagentuurid
HÄK, Taevas Ogilvy, Vivid Studio, VAAS, NOH Production, Brand Manual, Mediabrands Digital, Miltton, Digituul, Wrango, Velvet, TANK, Adark, Projektiagentuur, Turundusjuhid
IT ja
Fujitsu Estonia, Avatud Lahendused, SRINI, Acty Digital, Wavecom, Primend, Trinidad Wiseman, NetGroup, Cybers
Startupid ja
TextMagic, VOOL, Sunly, MRPEAsy, Treamer, E-Agronom, Marduk, Elewus, Upriser, Reconeyez, Parcelsea, FleetGuru
Finants ja
SEB, Luminor, BDO Eesti, Modena, RL Raamatupidamine, Mandatum Life, Leinonen Eesti
Ringmajandus ja
Bepco, Sunly, GeenDeal, Eesti Metsameister, Eramaa
Kinnisvara ja
Hausers, Merko, Plaadimehed, Hallitehas, Ruukki, Jeldwen, Uno Elekter, What If
Haridus ja
EBS, Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool, Eesti Meremuuseum, Eesti Muuseumraudtee, Motor OÜ, Meaningful Talks
Elamused, toit ja tervis
Fitbit, T-Perfume, VIČI, Minna Marmelaad, Boul, BookMD, Taevakaart, Pärnu Põgenemistoad
Klientide tagasiside
Strategy-first marketer, but at the same time hands-on. Always happy to share her expertise and practical advice. She’s helped us make clever decisions and optimize resources, which is immensely important for a company that does not have a marketing manager. A true pleasure to work with her. And to know her. Love her energy and enthusiasm — it's contagious!"